Monday, April 30, 2007
Silence can say more than a thousand words.
This day shall unite us all about this unbelievable painful & shockingevent and show some respect and love to those who lost their loved ones. On April 30th 2007, the Blogosphere will hold a One-Day Blog Silence inhonor of the victims at Virginia Tech. More then 30 died at the US college massacre.
Source : OneDayBlogSilence
What they said about this day...Tyler Reed, Nicharalambous
Good effort and intention. However, disagree on the action......
Labels: World day
This technique is especially useful for equilibrium-limited reactions such as esterification and ester hydrolysis reactions. Conversion can be increased far beyond what is expected by the equilibrium due to the continuous removal of reaction products from the reactive zone. This helps reduce capital and investment costs and may be important for sustainable development due to a lower consumption of resources.
Aldol condensation
Labels: Distillation
Sunday, April 29, 2007
World Pinhole Photography Day
- to take some time off and to participate in the simple act of making a pinhole photograph
- to share their visions and help spread the unusual beauty of this historical photographic process
Labels: World day
Saturday, April 28, 2007
The Distillation Group Inc (DGI)
conduct training on Distillation by emphasizing on- practical use of material presented
- understanding of theory and corrrect principles for practical use
- application of knowledge to the plant
- case studies from actual operating plant
- modular approach to courses and seminars
- customize training module to suite client requirements
Popular conducted modules :
- Advanced Distillation Technology
- Process Troubleshooting
- Introduction to Petroleum Refining
- Crude Petroleum Distillation
FREE & Useful Stuff :
- Distillation (DGI way)
- Liquid Levels and Densities: Case Histories with DP Cell Problems
- Steady Under Pressure: Distillation Pressure Control
- Improve the Reliability and Maintenance of Recovery Processes
- Troubleshoot with Exchanger Liquid Levels
- Newsletter 2 : Cover technical information on... Improper liquid level problems caused by incorrect density used with a DP cell: cryogenic gas plant and petroleum refinery FCC main fractionator.Hanging downcomers and high-capacity trays.
Vaporization limits in thermosyphon reboilers
Control of parallel condensers (non-symmetrical)
Mass-transfer unit approach to column design.
Fluid heating systems: vaporizer, stab-in, thermosyphon, forced, kettle
Vacuum system selection and pumparound control logic
Heat exchanger system selection criteria
Packing efficiency tests and interpreting the results to operating units
Liquid level measurement problems in an FCC main fractionator
Hanging downcomer high-capacity trays: what are they and how do they work?
Cascade control on distillation units: why use it?
Dry-out of a supercritical extraction unit.
Random packing hold-downs and open area for flow.
Structured packing application in high-pressure systems: limitations and experience.
Visbreaker wash zone coking: poor product quality (D8 color) from HVGO cut from a visbreaker vacuum fractionator.
Dual reboiler operation: removing the first reboiler of two reboilers from service while leaving it in place: petroleum refinery FCC naphtha stabilizer.
Thermosyphon reboiler operation: affect of liquid levels on heat duty in a recirculating system without a baffle: petroleum refinery naphtha splitter.
Labels: Distillation, Training
Friday, April 27, 2007
Today found an interesting website for Process & Chemical Engineer, especially those involve in Design and Engineering...VMG
Labels: Distillation, Modelling, Process simulation, Thermodynamic
Labels: Website
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Plant Innovation Award Winner...
The Plant Innovation Award (PIA) was inaugurated in 2005 by Chemical Processing to enhance the peer recognition of engineers who solve challenging problems at existing facilities with ingenuity and creativity. Unfortunately, such engineers rarely get visibility beyond their employers for such accomplishments. PIA is the only public award of its kind.
Labels: NEWS
World Intellectual Property Day
Most people are aware of intellectual property (IP) - of copyright, patents, industrial designs and trademarks. But many still view these as business or legal concepts with little relevance to their own lives. To address this gap, WORLD INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY ORGANISATION (WIPO) ’s Member decided in 2000 to designate an annual World Intellectual Property Day. They chose April 26, the date on which the Convention establishing WIPO originally entered into force in 1970.
“World Intellectual Property Day is an opportunity to encourage people to think about the role played by intellectual property in everyday life, and about its importance in stimulating and safeguarding innovation and creativity”. ..
- Quotes about Creativity
- Poster and bookmark
- "Encouraging creativity and innovation" video spot [Windows Media Player]
- Background and Objectives
- Suggested Activities
Some stuff from…CIPO
IP Toolkit
It starts with an idea …
Bank of Speakers
Canadian Women's Contribution to Innovation
7 good reasons to protect your intellectual property rights
Taking advantage of your idea or invention
Intellectual property gives you the edge
Labels: World day
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Labels: Methane Conversion, Technology
- Raschig Rings
- Pall Ring
- Berl Saddle
- Cascade Mini-ring ( trademark of Koch (Cyprus) Limited )
- Flexiring ( trademark of Koch-Glitsch, LP )
- Hy-Pak ( trademark of Koch-Glitsch, LP )
- Intalox ( trademark of Koch-Glitsch, LP )
- Snowflake ( trademark of Koch-Glitsch, LP )
- Jaeger Tri-Packs ( trademark of Jaeger Products, Inc. )
- Nutter Ring ( trademark of Nutter Engineering )
- Super Torus Saddle ( trademark of Raschig AG )
- Ralu Ring ( trademark of Raschig AG )
The following screen shots can be viewed by clicking the titles below :-
Download evaluation version from Katmor.
Labels: Hydraulic, Packed Column, Packing
Labels: World day
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
World Lab Animal Day...
Click here to see new ADI Lab Animal Week T-shirts!
Labels: World day
A packed bed is a hollow tube or pipe that is filled with a packing material. The packing can be randomly filled small objects like Raschig rings or else it can be a specifically designed structured packing.
The purpose of a packed bed is typically to improve contact between two phases in a chemical or similar process. Packed beds can be used in a chemical reactor, distillation process, or a scrubber, but packed beds have also been used to store heat in chemical plants. In this case, hot gases are allowed to escape through a vessel that is packed with a refractory material until the packing is hot. Air or other cool gas is then fed back to the plant through the hot bed, thereby pre-heating the gas feed.
- PROCESS WITH 2-PROCESS FLUIDS (liquid- gas, liquid-liquid, liquid-solid, liquid-vapor) are in contact and separation take place.
- LOW PRESSURE DROP (typically 0.35 - 2mm Hg per theoretical plate for packed column compared to 3.05m Hg for trays)
FREE Packed Column spreadsheet from Cheresources .
Labels: Column, Design, Packed Column
Monday, April 23, 2007
World Book & Copyright Day
Labels: World day
For those who wants to make liquor, this is one of the best site for you...You may download complete sites ( and other documents such as :
An article by Eric Kvaalen et. al, Purdue University is to help you understand the distillation of ethyl alcohol. This article presents the basic principles involved in distillation, types of distillation equipment and systems that might be involved in a small fuel alcohol plant are then discussed, performance and control criteria needed for a general evaluation.
Alcohol distillation by SOLAR energy
Labels: Alcohol, Distillation, Energy
A Record Of Results In Protecting Our Environment
President Bush Is Pursuing Common-Sense Policies To Protect The Environment. By encouraging cooperative conservation, innovation, and new technologies, this Administration has compiled a strong environmental ... via WebWorm
Labels: General
Sunday, April 22, 2007
What Is Earth Day?
What Is the Greenhouse Effect?
Why Leaves Change Colors
Why I Oppose Fluoridation of Public Water
Can Cloud Seeding Dissipate Hurricanes?
Plant & Soil Chemistry Science Projects
Answers to Snowflake Questions
Labels: World day
Saturday, April 21, 2007
A Web calculator by Shuzo Ohe, Ph.D, to calculate column number of theoretical plates (NTP) using McCabe-Thiele method. Result is presented graphically ...
Labels: Distillation, Integration, NTP
Friday, April 20, 2007
Distillation is a method of separating chemical substances based on differences in their volatilities. Distillation usually forms part of a larger chemical process, and is thus referred to as a unit operation.
Distillation has a number of uses. It is used to separate crude oil into more fractions for specific uses such as transport, power generation and heating. Water is distilled to remove impurities, such as salt from sea water. Air is distilled to its components such as oxygen for medical applications and helium for party balloons. The use of distillation on fermented solutions to produce distilled beverages with a higher alcohol content is perhaps the oldest form of distillation, known since ancient times.
The purpose of below notes is to expose you to the terminology used in distillation practice and to give a very basic introduction to:
- column internals
- reboilers
- distillation principles
- vapour liquid equilibria
- distillation column design
- the factors that affect distillation column operation
Will bring to you some industrial distillation related stuff next round...
Labels: Column, Design, Distillation, Reboiler
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Some features in SULCOL :
- structured and random packing hydraulic design and rating
- tray hydraulic design and rating includes fixed and movable valves, one pass, multipass and conventional downcomer tray design
- Complete description of Sulzer Chemtech's tray portfolio including Shell tray technology.
- Imports data from PRO/II, ASPENPLUS and Excel.
- Export data to RTF or an XML file
Labels: Packing, Tower internals
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Following tabulate listing of useful documents and links for STEAM & WATER engineering... if some of you have better site, please drop me a comments...
Armstrong has been sharing know-how since they invented the energy-efficient inverted bucket steam trap in 1911. In the years since, customers’ savings have proven again and again that knowledge not shared is energy wasted. Armstrong’s developments and improvements in steam trap design and function have led to countless savings in energy, time and money. This section has grown out of our decades of sharing and expanding what we’ve learned.It deals with the operating principles of steam traps and outlines their specific applications to a wide variety of products and industries. This section also includes Recommendation Charts that summarize our findings on which type of trap will give optimum performance in a given situation and why.
The most basic part of energy management is utilizing all valuable Btu within the steam system. Depending on the pressure, condensate exiting a trap contains approximately 20% of the heat energy transferred at the boiler in the form of sensible heat. Effective recovery of condensate reduces three tangible costs of producing steam :
- Fuel/energy costs associated with producing steam
- Boiler water make-up and sewage treatment
- Boiler water chemical treatment
Steam Engineering Tutorial...
A comprehensive information and knowledge on Steam Engineering and Heat Transfer site (Source : Spirax Sarco)
A very useful MS EXCEL Add-In for calculating thermodynamic and transport properties of water and steam using the industrial standard IAPWS-IF97. (source : Cheresources) contains compiled dll version of the 1967 ASME Steam Tables and an Excel 97 example of using it. (source : KORF)
A web-base steam table generation for different Steam-Water regions :
- Sub Saturated Water Region
- Saturated Water Line
- Wet Steam Region
- Dry Saturated Steam Line
- Superheated Steam Region
Thermo Utilities v3.0(1.75 Mb) offers a large number of functions for calculating the properties of water, steam, air, flue gases and other fluids. The functions used for steam and water properties are based on a set of equations accepted by the members of the Sixth International Conference on the Properties of Steam. The sets of equations are also known as "IFC Formulation for Industrial Use". Thermo Utilities calculates the properties of dry air, moist air, exhaust and flue gases by using equations accepted by ASHRAE and CIBSE (Chartered Institute of Building Services Engineers). Lee-Kesler method used in this package can be applied to a large number of chemicals for estimating thermodynamic properties. The database accompanied with this package for use with Lee-Kesler method supports more than 450 chemicals. The package also offers a large number of inverse functions which are useful for applied thermodynamics calculations. (source : Taftan Data)
SteamTab™ (demo) add-in software, new water and steam properties formulation approved by the International Association for the Properties of Water and Steam (IAPWS)
Related Topic
- Management of Steam Asset
- Problems and Measures for Condensate Recycle Control Valve
- Understand Boiler Efficiency
- Simple Formula To Estimate Water Viscosity
- Square-root-Square-root Formula Ease Saturated Steam-Codensate Temperature Prediction
- SteamTab - A simple Executable file for Steam - Water Properties...
- Conduct Steam-Water Balance MANUALLY using Water97_v13
- Useful Steam - Condensate Calculator
- Condensate Pump Recirculation Valve Selection
- Steam in FIRE...
- "Fire from Ice"...
Labels: Condensate, Steam