Monday, January 28, 2008
Earlier post “Criteria for Requirement of Pressure Relief Device for Tube Rupture” has discussed the criteria for determination of creditability of tube rupture in heat exchanger. For a particular scenario where a Pressure Relief Device (PRD) is required to protect a heat exchanger from tube rupture, there is still issue on the type of PRD to be used.
It is always recommended to provide a Pressure Relief Valve (PRV) to minimize inventory lost to flare and drain disposal system. For a heat exchanger with gas in low design pressure (LPS) side, whenever tube rupture occurred, the gas may provide some “cushion” effect to minimize surge pressure. Thus, a pressure relief valve (PSV) is acceptable in this case.
Nevertheless, there are some researches carried out by HSE UK and reported that there are rupture disks may NOT open quick enough as compare to the surge pressure built-up. Details may refer to :
- Testing and analysis of relief device opening times
- Examination of the effect of relief device opening times on the transient pressures developed within liquid filled shells
Per API STD 521 (2007), section 5.19.3, one-dimensional dynamic modeling / analysis is recommended where there is a wide difference in design pressure between HPS and LPS (e.g. 70 barg and above). A one-dimensional dynamic model is to simulate the pressure profile and pressure transients developed in the exchanger from the time of the rupture which includes tube-rupture fluid dynamic and Pressure relief device response.
Related Topic
- Criteria for Requirement of Pressure Relief Device for Tube Rupture
- Requirement of Overpressure Protection Device on "Final Vessel"
- FREE & reliable Pressure Relief Valve Sizing Software
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- Should maximum recommended wall temperature (Tw) for carbon steel vessel used as design temperature ?
- Should we install Butterfly valve for Pressure Relief Valve (PSV) isolation ?
Labels: Overpressure Protection, Pressure Relief Device
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