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Chemical Process Technology

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Chemical & Process Technology

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Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Pitkin, Louisiana, March 1998  - Large process vessel only rated for atmospheric pressure with NO relief system exposed to high pressure gas lead to severe explosion

Louisville, Kentucky, April 2003 - Pressure vessel lacking of pressure relief system blasted when the vent line BLOCKED with caramel...

Houston, Texas, Dec 2004 - Improperly welded and modified vessel exploded...

Houston, Texas, 2008 - Block valve on Pressure Relief line on Heat exchanger left CLOSE after maintenance and exploded...

Chemical Safety Board (CSB) chairman John Bresland Video Clip

Chemical Safety Board (CSB) chairman John Bresland calling all state and government in US to adopt the Pressure Vessel Code and Boiler Standard for the design and fabrication of pressure vessel. Improperly installed or modified pressure vessels have led to a number of serious chemical accidents. Eleven states still don't require adherence to the ASME pressure vessel code. All states and localities should adopt this code and related boiler standards; lives will be saved as a result.

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posted by Webworm, 12:56 PM


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