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Sunday, January 3, 2010

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Earlier post "Assess Potential Piping Failure Due to CV, BDV & PRV Quick Openning with Vapor Discharge" presented a way to assessthe potential failure of piping due to quick opening of valve. The method required determination of pipe support stiffness level and correspondent correction factor (C) graphically. The post will shows mathematical equations of determining the stiffness level and correction factor. An spreadsheet has also been developed to ease checking and future works.

Pipe support stiffness level and correction factor
Pipe support stiffness level and correction factor subjects to support span length (LS) and pipe external diameter (Do) which can be determined from below chart.

Equation to differentiate Stiff and Medium Stiff support (blue line in above graph) is :

Equation to differentiate Stiff Medium and Medium support (pink line in above graph) is :

Equation to differentiate Medium and Flexible support (yellow line in above graph) is :

The correspondent correction factor (C) for support stiffness level are as follow :
  • Stiff support ==> C = 4
  • Medium Stiff support ==> C =2
  • Medium support ==> C =1
  • Flexible support ==> C =0.5
Above have been programmed in spreadsheet for easy checking and future works.


Ref :
1. "Guideline for avoidance of vibration induced fatigue in process work"

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    posted by Webworm, 6:00 AM


    Blogger undooli said...

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    January 6, 2010 at 3:03 AM  

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