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Friday, July 11, 2008

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The global sourcing marketplace has in the past decade grown and morphed to become a $1 trillion industry, with demand for a myriad of services spanning technology, infrastructure, business process and specialty engineering services fueling the growth. Over the past five years particularly, the engineering services marketplace has taken on a distinct turn on its own, today contributing to a demand close to an approximate $850 billion over and above the $1 trillion business already in the marketplace. Interestingly maturing markets and economies with robust infrastructure investments, and engineering capabilities are being sought after by engineering and manufacturing organizations in their quest to support their growth and innovation needs. Given pressures from demographics, and economic factors, most developed nations are sourcing for talent and engineering service capabilities across the globe.

Outsourcing Malaysia (OM), an organization focusing on outsourcing and sourcing competencies perceives that Malaysia’s competence in engineering has to be brought to the forte, and showcased to the world such that global businesses tap into our engineering competencies as well. This talk is aimed at providing one with a bird’s eye-view of the marketplace, demand trends, and opportunities for Malaysia to participate actively.

Outsourcing Malaysia (OM) is an initiative of the outsourcing industry in Malaysia and a Chapter of PIKOM. With the support from its institutional partners i.e. the Multimedia Development Corporation (MDeC) and the Malaysia Debt Ventures (MDV), and senior leaders from the global services industry; our outsourcing consortium aims to promote the capabilities and competencies of the Malaysian outsourcing industry.

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What is outsourcing ?
Outsourcing is contracting with another company or person to do a particular function. Almost every organization outsources in some way. Typically, the function being outsourced is considered non-core to the business. An insurance company, for example, might outsource its janitorial and landscaping operations to firms that specialize in those types of work since they are not related to insurance or strategic to the business. The outside firms that are providing the outsourcing services are third-party providers, or as they are more commonly called, service providers.
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Why choose Malaysia ?
Choose Malaysia as your offshore location - the regional gateway to the Asian markets - and a world of business advantages awaits you. Considered the world's largest exporter of semiconductors and consumer electronics, Malaysia has earned the reputation of being an attractive location for both trade and investments since the colonial era.
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Malaysia The Preferred Location For Outsourcing For Middle East Firms
Outsourcing Malaysia success in winning Middle East technology-based business and become the third most preferred location worldwide for outsourcing, but Outsourcing Malaysia's top representative at the inaugural Malaysian Services Exhibition 2008 believes that the country is the top destination for businesses in the Middle East who are looking to outsource services and processes abroad.
Read more here and here.

FAQ on Outsourcing Malaysia
A set answer to commonly asked question.
Read more.

Simple update to IEM Members or those who are practicing Engineering in MALAYSIA...

A talk on “Engineering Services Outsourcing Opportunities*”, organised by Information Technology Special Interest Group, IEM, has been scheduled.

Detail information as follow :

Date : 12 August 2008 (Tuesday)
Time : 5.30 pm to 7.30 pm
Venue : 2nd Floor, IEM Conference Hall, Bangunan Ingenieur, Petaling Jaya
Speaker : Mr. Bobby Varanasi and Mr. Andy Yau
CPD / PDP HOURS : 2. (BEM Approved Ref no : IEM08//HQ/200/T)

Prepared by Engr. Abdul Fattah bin Mohamed Yatim, MIEM

*IEM will be charging participants RM 10.00 administrative fee to evening talks organised by IEM. The fee would be used for overhead costs, building maintenance expenses as well as to support the purchase of the new building. Students are however exempted. Your understanding is greatly appreciated.
**Any queries, please contact sec@iem.org.my.

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posted by Webworm, 10:27 PM


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Interesting. Thanks for the article.

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September 15, 2008 at 10:39 AM  
Anonymous Shasing@outsource link building said...

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September 30, 2012 at 11:53 PM  

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