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Chemical & Process Technology

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Monday, March 30, 2009

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Simple update to IEM Members or those who are practicing Engineering in MALAYSIA...

There are over 400 dryer types cited in the technical literature although only about 50 types are commonly found in practice. As such proper selection of dryer is an important topic to industrial drying. Dryer selection has long been practiced as an art rather than science depending more on prior experience and vendors’ recommendations. As drying technologies have evolved and become more diverse and complex, this has become an increasingly difficult and demanding task for the non-expert. Further, the task is exasperated by the need to meet stricter quality specifications, higher production rates, higher energy costs and stringent environmental regulations.

This talk intends to give an introduction to industrial drying and briefly discuss the classification of industrial dryers. The key classification criteria for industrial dryers will be discussed as well as selection criteria. It is important for an engineer responsible for selection of a dryer or a drying system to be aware of what is available in the market, what the key criteria are in the selection process and thus arrive at alternative possibilities before going to vendors of such equipment for comparative quotes. It is time and effort well spent since the cost of incorrect selection can be very high. It was reported that over 80 percent of major chemical companies in Europe – each using over 1000 dryers in their production facilities – made errors in selecting dryers. What is optimal choice in one location at one point in time may be a wrong choice for another geographic location some years later. Prior use is a definite help but not the only criterion to be used in selecting drying systems.

A talk on "Industrial Drying", organized by Chemical Engineering Technical Division, IEM has been scheduled.

Date : 21 April 2009 (Tuesday)
Time : 5.30 pm to 7.00 pm
CPD : 2 Hours (approved by BEM)
Venue : 2nd Floor, ISM Seminar Hall, Bangunan Jurukur, Petaling Jaya
Speaker : Engr. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Law Chung Lim

*Any queries, please contact sec@iem.org.my.

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posted by Webworm, 4:00 AM


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great post. My husband was talking to me about the hot air dryers they use at work and I was completely lost. I decided to look it up so the next time I wont be so clueless. Thanks for the great information.

July 31, 2012 at 9:29 AM  

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