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Chemical Process Technology

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Chemical & Process Technology

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Saturday, June 7, 2008

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Every practising engineer is encourage learn to fulfill the basic requirement as practising engineer and further develop himself/herself as professional engineer. One of the way to continue learning and further development is to read reputable magazines to keep themselves up-to-date with latest technology, practices, lesson learnt, others experiences, new concept, etc.

Being a professional engineer (PE) for many years in Chemical & Process and Oil & gas field, three reputable magazines which i continue reading and update myself without fail. There are Chemical Engineering Progress (CEP), Chemical Engineering (CE) magazine and Hydrocarbon Processing (HP).

Chemical Engineering Progress (CEP)
Chemical Engineering Progress (CEP) is one of the main publication of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE), one of the world's leading organization for chemical engineers. 85% of the readers work in industry and remaining from academia and government.

CEP publishes articles on few key aspects of chemical engineering :
  • Career Development
  • Environmental Management
  • Fuels and Energy
  • Fluids and/or Solids Handling
  • Information Technology
  • Management
  • Materials
  • Measurement and Control
  • Reactions and Separations
  • Safety
You may subscribe to CEP magazine by click HERE. If you are the members of AICHE, you will receive a FREE copy of CEP. In additional, you may read the previous issue backdated to 2001.

Check out latest CEP content...Click HERE

Chemical Engineering (CE)
Chemical Engineering serves chemical engineering professionals in the chemical process industry including manufacturing, engineering, production, etc. Chemical Engineering is published monthly by Access Intelligence, primarily for chemical engineers and related technical people in the chemical process industries (CPI), as well as at engineering, design and construction companies that serve the CPI.

The Chemical Engineering magazine is not funded by any organization but supported by subscription and advertisement. Nevertheless, Chemical Engineering also fulfilling Chemical Engineering Society mandate and responsibility by offering FREE (latest) issue to all qualified professional (presently). Please take your quick action while it is still available.

CLICK HERE (SUBSCRIBE) to qualify yourself for FREE Chemical Engineering (CE).

Hydrocarbon Processing (HP)
Hydrocarbon Processing, one of the premier magazine providing job-help information to technical and management personnel in petroleum refining, gas processing, petrochemical/chemical and engineer/constructor companies throughout the world – since 1922.

Similar to Chemical Engineering, Hydrocarbon Processing (HP) also fulfilling Oil & Gas society mandate and responsibility by offering FREE (latest) issue to all qualified professional (presently). Please take your quick action while it is still available.

CLICK HERE (SUBSCRIBE) to qualify yourself for FREE Hydrocarbon Processing (HP)

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posted by Webworm, 9:30 AM


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