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Wednesday, February 13, 2008

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One fine day you are at site, you are engineer assigned to site to carry out series of steam - condensate line flushing. You will have to find the properties (e.g. enthalpy, entropy, density, etc) for superheated steam , steam & condensate at saturated conditions and subcooled condensate, one of the easiest method is use a FREE Excel Add-in (which recommended many months ago in "Steam - Condensate Useful Links...").

Note : If you are dealing with Steam & Condensate, there are plenty of good stuff in Steam - Condensate Useful Links...(Click HERE)
Water97_v13.xla (Alternative download) is a very useful MS EXCEL Add-In for calculating thermodynamic and transport properties of water and steam using the industrial standard IAPWS-IF97.
In the event you would like to back check what you have installed and programmed is correct or quick checking on the properties or you do not want to goes through the difficulties, you may find this Steam-Condensate Calculator (click here) pretty useful for you. Thanks to Jacques for recent recommendation.

If you found any good & reliable related sites, please drop me a note (click HERE) for sharing...

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posted by Webworm, 11:15 PM


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