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Thursday, July 26, 2007

Today i read an article in HYDROCARBON PROCESSING, June 2007,
and found a site related to FLARE...A site for International Flare Consortium (IFC).
The International Flare Consortium (IFC) was formed to address the gaps in science with respect to emissions from flares and to establish best practices. The landmark studies of the 1980s provided much useful information but did not account for the effect of wind. More recent wind-tunnel work in Canada was limited to simple production flares. To date there is no systematic study of the effect of fuel composition on performance of flares.

The goals of the IFC are:

  • Provide emission factors for production and refinery flares, including the effect of steam rate, composition and flow rate of fuel, and wind speed.
  • Establish optimal operating conditions, maximizing combustion efficiency and minimizing pollutant emissions.
  • Set operating envelope outside of which flares should not be operated.
One very interesting article available FREE to public from IFC :

<< Reaction Efficiency of Industrial Flares >>

"This paper compares and contrasts reaction efficiency findings on properly designed and operated industrial flares with those of rudimentary field flares and shows that the results on the latter hardly apply to the former. We review the most significant of the contributions to flare emissions research of the last three decades and provide the background perspective of researchers who were directly involved in leading and executing the 1980's flare efficiency studies that formed the foundation for future studies. These landmark studies demonstrated that properly designed and operated industrial flares are highly efficient and led to the codification in the United States Environmental Protection Agency's 40CFR60.18 General Requirements for Flares of the conditions that ensure the proper operation of industrial flares."

One of the interesting parameter that i have always been looking for is the Flare combustion efficiency...from this article...98% combustion efficiency and it is supported by a well known organization.

For those would like to made to reference...here is the place.

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posted by Webworm, 8:42 AM


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