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Friday, June 8, 2007

E-comm really grow fast...

POINT 1 : There are 928 million internet users in the world as of June 2005, according to data published by Internet World Stats (that’s a heck of a lot of people to sell to)

POINT 2: Over 75% of online consumers do not care whether an online store is run by a large or small company. Source: TNS, 2004 (good news for all of us)
POINT 3: $1.6 trillion was made via e-commerce in 2003; $7.1 trillion is expected in 2007. - Source: IDC, 2004 (wouldn’t you like a small share of that?)

POINT 4: Nearly 100 million adults made purchases after doing online research last year, coming close to the number of adults who purchased through catalogs, direct mail ads and telemarketing calls combined

POINT 5: Small businesses who use the Internet have grown 46% faster than those that do not. (American City Business Journals)

POINT 6: According to Package Facts, rich consumers are more likely to shop online. Overall, 34 percent of respondents said they made an online purchase over the last year while 50 percent of mass affluent respondents and 57 percent of the highly affluent used e-commerce. (wouldn’t you rather be selling to people who have money?)
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posted by Webworm, 3:05 AM


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